Have a question? Here are quick answers to some of our customers’ most common questions:
So many emails! How can I let CLE Alabama know to only contact me regarding my specific area of practice?
At the top of our Home Page, click My Preferences. There you can customize how you would like us to contact you, and about which topics.
What’s the best way to update my contact information with CLE Alabama?
Same as above! Click My Preferences. whenever you have a change in your contact information.
My CLE credits to date. How many CLE credits do I have? How many more do I still need?
CLE Alabama can tell you how many credits you have taken with CLE Alabama, but if you need to know your complete number of credits and how many you still need to obtain, you should either access your CLE transcript through the Alabama State Bar website (www.alabar.org) or call the Alabama State Bar at 1-800-354-6154 and ask for Continuing Legal Education
GAL certification. How can I get certified or re-certified for Guardian ad Litem?
Certification and re-certification as a GAL is handled by the Administrative Office of Courts (1-866-954-9411). The 2025 Recertification course can be taken online through our website and will be available soon. Just click on online seminars, scroll down to the Guardian ad Litem topic, and click there for the course listings. For live Recertification seminars, please call the AOC number. GAL Certification only is handled by AOC.
Professionalism seminar. When do I need to have my Mandatory Professionalism requirement completed?
Within twelve (12) months of being admitted to the Bar, or within twelve (12) months of being licensed to practice law in Alabama, whichever shall last occur, each lawyer shall complete a three (3) hour course in professionalism; provided, however, that lawyers who are exempt from these Rules pursuant to Rule 2. C.1. shall also be exempt from the provisions of this Rule 9.A. while they are so exempt. Once a lawyer’s exemption under Rule 2.C. 1. ends, the lawyer must complete the course in professionalism during the calendar year following the year in which the exempt status ends.
For additional information about your particular requirements and deadlines, please contact the Alabama State Bar at 1-800-354-6154 and ask for Continuing Legal Education.
CLE Alabama offers Mandatory Professionalism four times a year (twice in the Spring, and twice in the Fall) during years that end in an even number. During years that end in an odd number, the Cumberland School of Law offers Mandatory Professionalism. You can call Cumberland at 1-800-888-7454 for more information on their schedule.
Online Course Credits. I took an online course, but I don’t see my credit posted with the Alabama State Bar?
We report attendance for our online courses to the Bar twice a month. All attendance for days 1-15 of any month are posted by the 20th of that month, and all attendance for days 16 through the end of a month are reported to the Bar by the 5th of the following month. For courses taken in December of each year, we try to post online seminar credits before December 31st, but cannot guarantee that courses taken close to the end of the month won’t be sent to the Bar until early January since our offices are closed during the holidays. If you don’t see your attendance posted by these deadlines, feel free to call our Registrar at 205-348-2867.
Online Course Troubleshooting. I’m having trouble with one of your online courses.
Our online courses are hosted through CE21. For technical difficulties please call their Customer Service Number, 1-877-602-9877. You may also call Annette Largin in our office at 205-348-6243 or email her at alargin@law.ua.edu.
Credit in another state. I took one of your seminars and need to get CLE credit for it with another State Bar.
You may pick up a Certificate of Attendance and have it signed by one of our representatives at the seminar. Or, you may contact our Registrar at CLEalabama@law.ua.eduwith information about your recent attendance and a Certificate of Attendance will be sent to you, along with a copy of the Seminar Agenda. If you attended a Live Webcasts or Webinar, you will be able to download and print a copy of the certificate from your account. You may then forward this information to the other State Bar. Remember, CLE credits awarded in Alabama may not be automatically accepted by other State Bars. Contact the other State Bar for more information on their requirements.
Printing seminar materials. I’m having trouble printing the seminar materials from your website!
First, be aware that seminar materials will not be available on our website until 48 hours before the seminar. If you are within that timeframe, please check your account and click on the Handout tab in the seminar. If you continue to have trouble, call our office at 205-348-6230 and we will connect you with someone who will be able to help you.
BAR ID as part of registration. Can I still register online if I don’t know my Bar ID, or don’t have a Bar ID?
Yes. The Bar ID field must have some characters in it, so if you do not have a Bar ID, simply input “na.” If you do have a Bar ID, we strongly advise filling in your number as this is our best way of making sure that your attendance is correctly reported to the Alabama State Bar. Registrations processed without a Bar ID may experience a delay in being reported to the Alabama State Bar.
Refunds. If I cancel a seminar, can I get a refund?
If you cancel a seminar now, you will still need to earn CLE credits in the future! We do not give refunds, but if you cancel more than five days before a seminar, we’ll give you full credit, good for 12 months from the first day of the program, on any CLE Alabama live program. For later cancellations, we will retain 25% of the registration fee and you will still receive the program materials as a PDF. The remaining credit will be good for 12 months, as above.
Unique email address needed for each registrant. When I tried to register, it said that someone using my email address has already registered. We use a shared email address in our office. Why must an unique email address be used for each attendee?
Each person in our database must use a unique email address so we are able to correctly report CLE credits to the state Bar. Therefore, a shared email address cannot be used to register attendees for events.
We also only want to contact you with specific information that relates to your practice and interests as well as information that applies to the seminars that you have registered for. Using your unique email address, you can sign up on the My Account page to pick which topics you would like to receive communication and in what form.
Paying by check. My firm will be paying my registration fee. What if I need to pay by check?
You may fill out the registration form attached to your printed brochure and mail that in with your check. If you do not have a printed brochure, you may download and print the mail-in registration form on each Live Seminar description page. Mail your form and check to CLE Alabama, Box 870384, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0384.
Live credit for webcasts. How am I allowed to count seminars that are webcast to my home or office computer as live credit?
The State Bar has reinterpreted the regulations to allow webcasting to count for live credit. This allows you to watch the seminar live from your home or office computer. A few times each hour, you will see a prompt that you will have to click to verify that you are still watching the program. Some seminars may require a code that is displayed on the screen be submitted before credit is awarded.
Webcast versus online content. How is watching a webcast for live credit different from a regular online program?
Online programs may be watched at any time that is convenient for you. Webcasts for live credit MUST be watched during the time it is being streamed from the live seminar location. These seminars are usually taking place between the hours of 8-4 on Fridays. Be sure to check the time and date of the seminar for which you register to ensure you may obtain your live credit.
Registering for a live webcast. How do I register for a live webcast to my computer?
Click on Live Seminars on the CLE Alabama webpage, then “Media Types” and choose “Live Webcast.” Find the seminar title and click “Add to Cart.” You are able to register at any time it becomes listed until 8:30 am the day of the seminar.
Webcast. I am not sure if I want to sit at my desk all day to watch a program, but I can’t make it to the live seminar location. What can I do?
Many televisions have hookups available that will allow it to be connected to a computer. This allows your television to act as the monitor. Search online or talk to a representative from stores like Walmart, Best Buy, Radio Shack, etc., and find out how you can connect your computer to your television. Be sure to perform a test and have them connected before the morning of the seminar. This way you can watch the seminar from the comfort of your home in your favorite chair!